Amor fati's Approach to Freebase Spice Conversion

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Note error.png Note: This page tracks the development of amor_fati's Approach to Freebase Conversion of DMT[1]. The content is to remain accurate as such.

Though relatively simple, the conversion of DMT fumarate to freebase tends to pose some difficulties for achieving a pure and well crystallized product. Decanting from material containing magnesium sulfate powder will often carry particulates that are not easily filtered. Evaporation can take an excessive amount of time to achieve a solid product and often doesn't result in a very solid product. These techniques are intended to remedy such problems.

Nontoxic Conversion

Nontoxic Conversion of Full-Range Fumarate Extract of Jurema to Freebase w/ Hasty Manual Crystallization Cog.png
Step 1: Mix fumarate w/ sodium carbonate
Step 2: Moisten to facilitate reaction
Materials Required Checklist.png
Source Material:
NOTE Information.png
While this procedure may work for pure DMT fumarate or even other salts of Spice, it has not yet been proven by experimentation.
  • d-H2O
  • Razor Blade
  • Lab Spatula
    • any similar tool will work
  • Evaporation Dish
  • Collection Vessel

Step 3: Spread mixture
Step 4: Wash product
  1. Mix DMT fumarate with an equal or greater amount of sodium carbonate on the evaporation dish and moisten thoroughly, dropwise.
  2. Allot adequate time and stirring for complete reaction.
  3. Spread the moistened mixture evenly and thinly across the dish.
    • the more thinly and evenly spread, the more likely the product will adhere to the glass, preventing it from being washed away as droplets in suspension.
  4. Add a minimal amount of water to dissolve the sodium carbonate and salt byproduct by tilting and rolling the puddle around the dish to ensure adequate contact.
  5. When all visible sodium carbonate grains have been dissolved and all particulates settled, carefully decant the water into a collection vessel and save in case of product loss.
  6. Use a razor blade to spread the oily product thinly and firmly across the dish in cross-hatched fashion.
  7. When the oil thickens to a pasty consistency, use a lab spatula repeatedly scrape up and and spread out the product until it thickens noticeably more.
  8. Spread the product thinly across the dish and allow to harden to a clay-like consistency.
  9. Scrape up and mold to the desired form and density to collected.
  10. Store in a cool, dark place in a sealed container, preferably protected from moisture and oxygen, and handle with care and sincerity.
Step 5-6: Decant wash-water
Step 7: Spread firmly
Step 7:Spread firmly
Step 8: Repeatedly scrape and spread
Step 9: Allow to harden
Step10: Scrape up to collect

Drytek Conversion

Drytek Conversion of Full-Range Fumarate Extract of Jurema to Freebase w/ Hasty Manual Crystallization Cog.png
THPfreebase conversion.JPG
THPfreebase conversion2.JPG
Materials Required Checklist.png
Source Material:
NOTE Information.png
While this procedure may work for pure DMT fumarate, it has not yet been proven by experimentation.
  • Razor Blade
  • Lab Spatula
    • any similar tool will work
  • Dropper
  • Evaporation Dish
  • Reacting Vessel
  • Collection Vessel
  • Transfer Vessel
  • Cotton Balls
  • Small HDPE Bottle

  1. Mix DMT fumarate with an equal amount of sodium carbonate and moisten thoroughly.
  2. Allot adequate time and stirring for complete reaction.
  3. Mix in anhydrous magnesium sulfate until material is thoroughly dry.
  4. Prepare a small THP by cutting the bottom off a small HDPE bottle, stuffing cotton balls in the neck, inverting it and suspending it over a glass receiving vessel.
  5. Empty the material into THP and pour anhydrous acetone through the material into the collection vessel.
  6. If particulates leak through the filter, pour the acetone back into THP and repeat until no more leakage occurs and until satisfied with the level of saturation as indicated by the color of the solution.
  7. Pour acetone into an evaporation dish
  8. Continue to pull with acetone until material is apparently exhausted as indicated by a lack of coloration.
    • the material can be left in THP and stored as such to be reused without removing the old material or filter.
  9. Evaporate acetone in a food dehydrator below 100F until sparse droplets of liquid remain.
    • evaporation and crystallization can be accomplished simply by leaving the dish in a dry area for a few days, foregoing this step and those following.
    • adding a small amount of acetone and even heptane when the liquid has reduced to a small puddle may hasten the evaporation process
  10. Use a razor blade to spread the oily product thinly and firmly across the dish in cross-hatched fashion.
    • adding minute amounts of acetone drop-wise may hasten the process.
  11. When the oil thickens to a pasty consistency, use a lab spatula repeatedly scrape up and and spread out the product until it thickens noticeably more.
  12. Spread the product thinly across the dish and allow to harden to a clay-like consistency.
  13. Scrape up and mold to the desired form and density to collected.
  14. Store in a cool, dark place in a sealed container, preferably protected from moisture and oxygen, and handle with care and sincerity.
Freebase jurema.JPG
Freebase jurema2.JPG


Chunks of Freebase Jurema Produced by Manual Crystallization
Material Preparation
Conversion of Sodium Bicarbonate into Sodium Carbonate Cog.png
Sodium carbonate on left and bicarbonate on right, both in oversaturated solutions.
After vs Before the conversion. Sodium carbonate on left and bicarbonate on right. Notice how carbonate is more grainy and bicarbonate more loose/fluffy
  1. Weigh your sodium bicarbonate, and put it onto a non-aluminum pan or oven-safe dish.
  2. Place in the oven at 400ºF (205ºC) for one hour to one hour and a half to release CO2 and water. Alternatively you can put in a stainless steel (dont use any other material!) pot on the stovetop, 20mins should be enough. Be careful because the powder will be VERY hot, leave it to cool down for a while.
  3. The resulting material should have lost around 20% of the original weight. It will be of a slightly less powdery consistency, closer to sugar than flour. If it didnt lose a third of the original weigh, leave it for longer in the oven
    • sodium carbonate feels a bit looser and grainier than bicarbonate, and in an oversaturated solution, sodium bicarbonate will remain powdery while sodium carbonate tends to rock up.
NOTE Information.png
This can also be done on a stove top/oven ring in a pot and take around 10 minutes to completely dehydrate

Rendering Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate Cog.png
  1. Spread Epsom Salt (Hydrated Magnesium Sulfate) on an aluminum foil covered pan.
  2. Place in the oven on 400°F for about one hour, or until the salt becomes gray and ash-like.
  3. Place your now anhydrous magnesium sulfate into a storage container and store away from moisture.
  4. If it becomes hydrated again, the process can be repeated.
NOTE Information.png
This can also be done on the stove top/oven ring, however it should be noted that as the Epsom Salt releases water it will stick to the inside of your pot but as it reaches complete dehydration and becomes grey and ash like it will unstick and become a powder.

Rendering Anhydrous Acetone Cog.png
  1. Pour anhydrous magnesium sulfate directly into the can of acetone.
  2. Shake vigorously for an extended amount of time.
  3. Allow to settle for one day.
  4. Observe the magnesium sulfate at the bottom of the can.
    • if it appears extremely moist, repeat the process.
    • if it appears quite dry, the acetone is ready for use.
  5. Store away from moisture and never leave uncapped.
THP Approach to Rendering Anhydrous Acetone Cog.png
  1. Prepare THP by cutting the bottom off of an HDPE bottle and stuffing cotton balls the neck.
  2. Fill THP with anhydrous magnesium sulfate, leaving enough room for an appropriate amount of acetone to fill.
  3. Pour acetone through THP until satisfactorily dried.
  4. Store acetone away from moisture and never leave uncapped.

Special Thanks
  • To Infundiblum for developing the first nontoxic freebase conversion technique which inspired the nontoxic technique contained herein. [2]
  1. Jump up amor_fati's Approach to Freebase Conversion of DMT[1]
  2. Jump up DMT Fumarate to DMT Freebase