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Mimosa hostilis
Mimosa hostilis seed pod
Mimosa hostilis flower

General Plant Info

Mimosa hostilis is the former scientific name for Mimosa tenuiflora, and the two names are synonymous [1][2]. The older name is still widely know due to its presence in the literature and as distributers of botanical products still use the older term. M. tenuiflora is an entheogen known as Jurema, Jurema Preta, Black Jurema, and Vinho de Jurema. Dried Mexican Mimosa Hostilis root bark has been recently shown to have a DMT content of about 1%. The stem bark has about 0.03% DMT.

To date no β-carbolines such as harmala alkaloids have been detected in Mimosa tenuiflora decoctions, however the isolation of a new compound called "Yuremamine" from Mimosa tenuiflora as reported in 2005 represents a new class of phyto-indoles [3]. This may explain the reported oral activity of DMT in Jurema without the addition of an MAOI. Imported MHRB typically requires the addition of an MAOI in the preparation of ayahuasca.


Alkaloid content

  • Root Bark contains DMT - 0.31% to 0.57% (Schultes 1977)
  • Inner root bark contains up to 2% active alkaloids (Extractions from DMT-Nexus and others)
  • 3% of the total alkaloids (or 0.04% of rootbark) is NMT and 2-Methyl-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-Beta-Carboline (Analysis of jungle spice, Analysis of red/yellow/white spices

Extraction teks

For extracting DMT , any of the extraction teks described here will work.

Yuremamine is sensitive to heat and pH changes so only cold water (or alcoholic) soak will retrieve it.


Growing: Mimosas aren´t cold proof. For outdoor growing they deserve a sunny place with leachy middle nutrient soil. Throughout the vegetation are copiously watered, in winter the watering is tied down on to the minimum. They are breeding with the seeds, but can be breeded with the cutting also.

Refinery for the Purpose of Extraction

Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark can be acquired in different stages of preparation. Usually it is sold as whole, shredded or pre-powdered root-bark, but one may have access to the whole root—usually when harvested directly.

  • The whole root must cleaned and stripped of its inner root-bark while discarding the rest of the root.
  • The whole root-bark must generally be torn by hand, cut, or smashed with a blunt object prior to shredding.
  • The shredded should be further broken down as much as possible by peeling/cutting/blending to increase surface area for alkaloids to be extracted.
  • The pre-powdered can always be used "as-is".

Below details how to break it from whole root

The Root

Note error.png Note: Only the Inner Root Bark is necessary for extraction, the core and outer parts are to be discarded!

Root preparation Cog.png

Pictured below is its original after being harvested from the plant. Notice the middle core is quite distinct from the root-bark, the outer bark is much more brown:


Cleaning the root

Cleaning The Root Cog.png

The first step in refinery is to brush the outside to remove the dirt. Then the outer bark must be lightly scraped with a good knife. It is preferable to remove at least some of the outermost layer to uncover the more blackish and purplish layer underneath:


Peeling the Inner Root Bark

Peeling the Inner Root Bark Cog.png

Once the outermost part has been removed, peel off the Inner Root Bark to separate it from the core. This can easily be accomplished immediately by hand, though the use of a knife may be helpful.


Here's the inner core which is to be discarded:


Result of root preparation

Result of root preparation Cog.png

The peeled inner root-bark now needs to dry. This may be accomplished by simply leaving it in the sun. Here's how it should look:


Breaking the rootbark up

Breaking the rootbark up Cog.png

The pieces/strips of inner root-bark require further refinery to expose a larger surface area and increase the availability of the alkaloids for extraction. If storage is desired, then the whole pieces are preferable, as the alkaloids are less exposed and thus better protected.

First strip the pieces further into thinner layers with the hands, then cut it up with good scissors into smaller squares, then break it down in small amounts and short/medium bursts with a blender or coffee grinder (to prevent breaking of blender/grinder)


  1. Jump up USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL:
  2. Jump up Lewis, G.P. (1987) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 369 pp Legumes of Bahia.
  3. Jump up Vepsäläinen, Jouko J.; Auriola, Seppo; Tukiainen, Mikko; Ropponen, Nina & Callaway, J.C. (2005). "Isolation and characterization of yuremamine, a new phytoindole". Planta Medica, 71: 1053-1057. URL:


Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark (MHRB) is the root bark of Mimosa Hostilis and is widely used as a source for the extraction of DMT.


Mimosa Hostilis on Wikipedia