![Information.png](/w/images/5/54/Information.png) |
A design of bubbler or piece that facilitates being angled in such a way that the product can only run down toward the heat-source is preferable to ensure full dosage.
A Machine-Style Bubbler Stem seated in a bubbler.
- Prepare a glass piece to be fitted to the intake of a bubbler.
- this can be accomplished either by using a glass piece small enough to fit inside with a gasket fitted to provide a seal or by attaching the piece with a small section of tubing; traditionally, a dropper stem with the nozzle broken off and edges melted is implemented.
- Cut off a piece of the metal scrub pad, hold it with pliers, and burn with a torch under an oven hood until no more smoke is emitted.
- After it has cooled, stuff it in the larger end of the piece, and stuff it down toward the end designated for heat application somewhat tightly, and so that a part of the mesh is exposed.
![Information.png](/w/images/5/54/Information.png) |
Most designs will result in runoff if used at a downward angle, but if a straight glass piece is used, that runoff may be immediately retrievable for further administration by simply plunging the plug to one end of the piece--collecting oil--then back into place.
Notes on Administration |
- To load, simply place a measured dose inside the piece and onto the plug, and carefully melt into the plug by feathering with a flame or other heat source.
- A butane torch is a preferable heat source for the operation of this piece.