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NMT Molecule

Brief overview - What is NMT?

NMT is a tryptamine found in several plants, previously thought to be inactive, but novel research done by Nen888 has shown it to be psychoactive.

Chemical and physical properties

For solubility, melting point, etc, check the NMT Chemical and Physical Properties WIKI


DMT Nexus user reports:

  • 1/3 to 1/4 potency of DMT. A slower onset than DMT, coming up after about 3-5 minutes and peaking within a minute, with residual low effects over an hour to 70 minutes thereafter. Nen (2001))
  • A higher body load and lower visual and mental activity than DMT. Arcologist)

Entheogenic Effects of NMT

Pharmacology, toxicity and general safety

  • Present in trace amounts as part of normal metabolism (Source)

Plants containing NMT

Acacia spp.

Acacia albida

  • (Faidherbia albida) Possible but unconfirmed presence. Detected· in Fall 1993, Spring, Summer, Fall 1994 and Spring 1995; tlc by Appleseed.

Acacia confusa (=A. richei A .Gray)

  • Unspecified amount in bark. Lou et al. 1965
  • 1.43% in (dried?) root-bark Liu et at. 1977 (55.25% of total alkaloid) Root bark total alkaloid content was 2.58%
  • 0.04% in dried stem Arthur et at. 1967 (8.8 kg. of stems yielded 3.1 gm. NMT & 1.3 gm. DMT.)

Acacia maidenii

  • 0.24% in dry bark. Fitzgerald & Sioumis 1965.
  • [Tentative positive in roots as the major alkaloid. (unconfirmed) tlc by Appleseed 1994) (2 year old seed grown plants)

Acacia obtusifolia

  • Suspected to co-occur with DMT (tlc by Appleseed).
  • Mulga ran hplc-ms and observed what appeared to be a simple tryptamine but was unclear if the identity was this alkaloid or tryptamine as the parent fragments seemed to be lacking; see http://www. lycaeum.org/drugsiplants/ tryptamines/acacia/species.htm & Trout's Notes on Acacias 2004.
  • 60% of total alkaloid in common form - D. Siebert 1997; southern Cross Uni. 2000 cited by Nen

Acacia rigidula

  • 4.6 ppm in early spring/54.9 ppm in late fall. Fresh leaves, petioles & tender twigs. Clement et al. 1998

Acacia simplicifolia [=A. simplex?]

  • 1.44% in bark and 0.29% in twigs.
  • Stem bark has 3.6% total alkaloid content. N-Methyltryptamine (40% of total)
  • Twigs have 0.11% total alkaloid content. N-Methyltryptamine (26.3% of total). Poupat et al. 1976 ref Trout's Notes

Anadenanthera spp.

Anadenanthera peregrina

  • No.24625; Origin: Boa Vista, Brazil]. -Traces in dry bark. (Agurell et al. 1969 ref Trout's Notes)
  • Bark of Brazilian material (as Piptadenia). Legler & Tschesche 1963 reported a mixture of 5-MeO-NMT and NMT as comprising 41% of the crude base.
  • as Piptadenia peregrina bark (Colombia in 1956). (Holmstedt & Lindgren 1967 ref Trout's Notes

Arthrophytum spp.

Arthrophytum leptocladum M.Popov (Thin -stemmed Haloxyton)

  • 0.575% by dry weight in 1 year old Green shoots (Flowering stage) (3.7% total alkaloid content; Major alkaloid. Cooccurring with 2 b-carbolines.) Platonova el at. 1958. ref Trout's Notes
  • In leaf and stem. Smith 1977b cited Yurashevski 1941 Zhur. Obsch.Chem. 11:157 and Rousseau et al. 1966 Bull.Soc.Pharm.Nancy 71:31

Arthrophytum wackchanica [A. wakhanicum?J

  • Smith 1977b cited Orekhov 1955 ref

Calycanthus spp.

Calycanthus has been listed as containing NMT. This is probably in error. Manske 1931a & 193lc reported NMT as a degradation product of Calycanthine. Unable to locate any reference indicating its actual presence.

Delosperma spp.

Presence of MMT in Delosperma spp. is unproven, except for the unpublished data involving work done by the Smith, Kline & French Laboratories. (Cited by Raffauf 1970). Smith 1977b cited Rivier & Pilet 1971 and Deulofeu 1973. Both had cited Raffauf 1970.

  • Assays by Appleseed 1994- 1996 ref Trout's Notes:

Delosperma acuminatum

  • Faint. Sept., Nov. 1994 and Nov. 1995 assays. (Ehrlich's)

Delosperma brittenae

  • Nov. 1995 assay (Xanthydrol)

Delosperma cooperi

  • Sept. 1994 and Nov. 1995 assays. (Ehrlich's and Xanthydrol)

Delosperma esterhuyseniae

  • Nov. 1995 assay (Xanthydrol)

Delosperma hallii

  • Nov. 1995 assay. (Xanthydrol)

Delosperma harazianum

  • Audhali Plateau, Yemen Nov. 1995 assay. traces (Xanthydrol)

Delosperma hirtum

  • Dec. 94 (Ehrlichs) Nov. 95 assay. traces (Xanthydrol)

Delosperma klinghardtianum

  • Nov. and Dec. assays. Sole base present. (Xanthydrol and Ehrlich's) Not seen Sept. 96 assay.

Delosperma litorale

  • Nov. 1995 assay. (Xanthydrol)

Delosperma pageanum

  • Same plant tested Christmas 1994) 2 Nov. 1995. Dark band (Xanthydrol)
  • Different plant from same source) Dec. 1994 assay. (Ehrlich's)

Delospemrma tradescantioides

  • Nov. 1994 assay. (Ehrlich's). Suspected MMT was major. All faint.

Desmanthus spp.

Desmanthus illinoensis

  • 0.11% in Root bark (dried) and 0. 0016% in Root wood (dried) Thompson et al. 1987 ref Trout's Notes

Desmanthus leptobolus

  • Tentative NMT presence in dried root bark (present in most but not all specimens) Appleseed tlc 1993-1994.

Diplopterys spp.

Diplopterys cabrerana

  • Traces in leaf. Agurell et al. ( 1968)a

Girgensohnia spp.

Girgensohnia diptera Bge.

  • Yurashevski & Stepanov(a?) 1939 (Smith 1977b) ref Trout's Notes

Haloxylon spp.

Haloxylon scoparium

  • Shulgin & Shulgin 1997

Hammada spp. =

Hammada leptoclada

  • In leaf and stem. Orazkulyev et at. 1964 (Grazkuliev et at. 1964 Zh. prikl.Khim. Leningr., 37: 1394; according to Arthur et at. 1967.)

Hordeum vulgare

  • roots of seedlings?) Schneider & Wightman 1974 ref Trout's Notes

Justicia spp.

Justicia pectoralis

  • In leaf. Shulgin & Shulgin 1997
  • var. stenophylla -In leaf. 31 August 1994 harvest. Faint band corresponding MMT. TLC by Appleseed ref Trout's Notes

Mimosa spp.

Mimosa ophthalmocentra.

  • 0.0012% dry wt. in roots. Batista et al. 1999
  • In stem Batista & Almeida 1997 (No quantification)

Mimosa scabrella

  • In bark. De Moraes et al. 1990 (No quantification)

Mimosa somnians

  • 0.029% in dry whole plant. Gupta et al. 1979

Nectandra spp.

Nectandra megapotamica (Sprg.) Chodat & Hassler 0.57 gm. from 5.7 kg. of finely powdered bark. Filho & Gilbert 1975

Petalostylis spp.

Petalostylis labicheoides

  • var. casseoides. This is in error [Chemical Abstracts] See Johns et al. 1966a (Included by a number of references including Mears & Mabry in Harbourne et al. 1971: 146)

Phalaris spp.

Phalaris arundinacea

  • cv. Ottawa Synthetic - Amounts not given. Detected by tlc. Woods & Clark 1971

Phalaris aquatica

  • cv. AQ-1 Occurence reported (HPLC). Festi & Samorini 1994b
  • Commercial) Weak occurrence reported (HPLC). Festi & Samorini 1994b

Phalaris tuberosa

  • cv. Australian Commercial - Minor alkaloid in seedlings. Mack et al. 1988
  • A minor alkaloid in 7 day old seedlings. Mulvena & Slaytor 1983

Phalaris paradoxa (Romania)

  • Traces reported (HPLC). Festi & Samorini 1994b

Phalaris truncata (France)

  • Traces reported (HPLC). Festi & Samorini 1994b

Psychotria spp.

Psychotria carthaginensis

  • ["Rami appant'; Culina Indians, Marcos. Collected 4 Sept 1968.] Traces of NMT Rivier & Lindgren 1972 ref Trout's Notes

Psychotria viridis

  • ["Rami appant'; Culina Indians, Zapote. Collected 22 July 1968]. Traces of NMT and 2-Methyl- 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-B-carboline as minor alkaloids. Rivier & Lindgren 1972 ref Trout's Notes
  • "Kawa Kut'; Sharanahua Indians, Marcos. Collected 7 October, 1968). NMT was major alkaloid in leaf [85% of 0.11% total alkaloids by dry wt.]. DMT was absent (12% of O.11% total] Rivier & Lindgren 1972 ref Trout's Notes

Swainsona spp.

Swainsona galegifolia (=S. coronillifolia Salisb.)

  • (Possible assay in stem and leaf. Contradictory results.) tlc by J. Appleseed

Tachigalia spp.

Tachigalia paniculata A ubi. 0.005% w/w of previously prepared inflorescence extract. No information on plant we ight. Svoboda et af. 1979

Testulea spp.

Testulea gabonensis

  • Total alkaloids in Stem bark- 2.5% and in Root bark- 5%. N-Methyltryptamine was 90% of total. Leboeuf et al. 1977 ref Trout's Notes

Virola spp.


  • 'Epena'· [No.24574; Origin: Rio Cauaburi, Brazil] - 0.014% N-Methyltryptamine: i.e. 14.3 mg. / 100 grams of sn uff. (2% of 715 mg total alkaloid per 100 gm.]
  • " Nytzkwtina" [No . 24626; Origin: Tototobi, Brazil] - Traces Agurell et al. 1969
  • Snuff: " Epena" ( Virola?) Snuff as prepared by Waica Indians (collected 1965). MMT (with DMT and 5-MeO-DMT]. Holmstedt & Lindgren 1967

Virola calophylla

  • [No.24603; Origin: Manaus, Brazil] Flowering shoots- 0.0077% NMT; 7.7 mg/ 100 gm (4% of 193 mg. of total alkaloids/ 100 gm. of dry flowering shoots]; Leaf- 0.0062% NMT i.e. 6.2 mg/ 100 gm [4% of 155 mg. of total alkaloids/ 100 gm. of dry leaves]. Agurell et al. 1969 ref Trout's Notes
  • Bark collected in Manaus, Brazil during 1964. NMT (with DMT and 5-MeO-DMT). Holmstedt & Lindgren 1967 ref Trout's Notes

Virola rufulla

  • No.24612: Origin : Manaus, Brazil]. Leaf- 0.0059% i.e. 5.88 mg/ 100 gm [6% of 98 mg. of total alkaloids/ 100 gm. dry leaf]. Agurell et al. 1969

Virola sebifera

  • Present in bark Kawanishi et al. 1985
  • Paste: Virola sebifera (DMK-40; Don Marcos no. I) NMT 1.38 mg/ ml. McKenna et al. 1984a

Virola theiodora

  • No.24595; Origin: Manaus, Brazil. Bark- 0.0025% (i.e. 2.5 mg/ 100 gm) [1% of 250 mg. of total alkaloids/ 100 gm. dry]. - Flowering shoots- 0.033% (i.e. 32.9 mg/ 100 gm) [7% of 470mg. of total alkaloids/ 100 gm. of dry flowering shoots] - Agurell et al. 1969 ref Trout's Notes
  • Bark- 0.0034% [8 mg from 235 gm. of bark]. Cassady et al. 1972, also 1971 The latter cited Cassady et al. 1970 (Published 1972] ref Trout's Notes

Zanthoxylum spp.

Zanthoxylum arborescens

  • 0.002% in lear (dry weight) Grina et al. 1982 ref Trout's Notes

Humans and other animals

  • Animals:

Villagorgia rubra (A sea fan from New Caledonia)

  • Espada et al. 1993 ref Trout's Notes

Paramuricea chamaeleon 30 mg. of NMT isolated from 200 grams of coral. Cimino& DeStefano 1978 ref Trout's Notes


  • Found in cerebrospinal fluid of some psychotics and some normal people by Corbett et al. 1978. ref Trout's Notes
  • Oon & Rodnight 1977 thought they observed in psychoties but did not prove.
  • See Davis 1989 for many more references on the reported natural occurrences of N-methyltryptamine in humans:

Extraction teks

Dosages and consumption methods

30-100mg vaporised (duration 45-70 minutes), 50-180mg orally with MAOIs (duration 2-5 hours) - Nen (2001; 2011); Shulgin TIKHAL (1997)

Analysis of NMT

Colorimetric reagents


Coming soon


  • Retention times for Amine 220, CHDMS and DEGS columns: Audette et al. 1969 ref Trout's Notes


Mass Spectrum


Expanded Mass Spectrum


  • Shulgin & Shulgin 1997 HCI: (m/z) C2H6N+ 44 (100%);Indolemethylene' 131 , 130 (61%, 51%); parent ion 174 (2%)
  • Williams et al. 1971: [m/e 44, 103, 115, 130, 131, 143, 174]
  • Holmstedt & Lindgren 1967: [m/e 44 (base peak), 103, 115, 130, 131, 145, 174 (M+)]. Filho & Gilbert 1975 ref Trout's Notes

Other Info:

  • GLC: Christian et al. 1975 ref Trout's Notes
  • GLC-MS of HFB derivative: Benington et al. 1975; Vessman et al. 1969 ref Trout's Notes
  • GC-MS: De Moraes et al. 1990 ref Trout's Notes


  • Graphic portrayal. page 774 in Clarke's 1986.
  • Shulgin & Shulgin 1997: Base: (cm-1): 740, 1018, 1103, 1132, 1161

HCl: (cm-1): 748.850, 1009, 1104. 1119, 1136


Cohen et al. 1960; De Moraes et al. 1990; Fi1ho & Gilbert 1975; Grina et al. 1982 ref Trout's Notes

Scientific publications

Other links of interest