LSA (CWE) Cold Water Extract

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Easy procedure for extracting water soluble LSA whilst minimizing the uptake of toxic cyanogenic glucosides (cyanide precursor)


This is the easiest, most effective way to take LSA from seeds

TIME: 8 hours

EQUIPMENT: large cup/jar, funnel, coffee filters (or an old T-shirt), fridge


Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (HBWR)

7-10 seeds for a first timer or for light/euphoric effects

13+ seeds for psychedelic/introspective and possibly Dark/Emotional effects.

Morning Glory (MG)

100-200[3-6g] seeds (common dose)

250-400+[6.5-10g+] seeds (Strong)

STEP 1. Crush seeds (using a hammer or mortar and pestle)

Please note: powdering is not necessary, but it may increase uptake of LSA although possibly increase risk of poison uptake [feedback needed]

STEP 2. Mix the seeds into iced water (NOT room temperature or warm water) and place it into a very cold fridge. a slushy consistency is ideal, but you don't want it to freeze over.

IDEA: Pre-fill the container (400-800ml per dose, or 100ml per 2 seeds)and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes-1 hour whilst prepping seeds

STEP 3. Leave the solution in the fridge to soak for a number of hours. 6 hours at a minimum, and 12 as a maximum. stiring it every few hour might speed things up. but you can prepare this 12 hours in advance to when you want to take it anyway

STEP 4. Filter the solution through a funnel+coffee filter or if you dont have a coffee filter you could use a bunch of cotton wool balls or an old T-shirt

Now drink up. it will taste a little bit strange. but its mostly just an earthy/woody taste and easily bearable if you use enough water for the extract.