Jorkest's D-Limonene and Fumaric Acid Approach

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Note error.png Note: This page is a transcription of Jorkest's D-Limonene and Fumaric Acid Approach to the extraction of DMT[1]. The content is to remain accurate as such.

Materials Required Checklist.png
Source Material:
  • 80g MHRB (powdered)
  • coffee grinder
  • 1/2 gallon HDPE jug(half gallon milk jug works great)
  • 1 large jar(one that can hold at least 1.5 liters)
  • 3 smaller jars(1/2 pint will do)
  • small glass funnel
  • cotton balls
  • dehydrator/very very low setting on the stove(no more than 120 degrees) - a thermometer helps
  • stirring utensil
  • evaporation dish


This idea came around because we all hate the sticky and gooey DMT/Jungle Spice acetic salt. DMT acetate is hard to gather, it's hard to weigh, and it sticks to absolutely everything. But, DMT fumarate is solid and crystalline. Which is why SWIM wanted to figure out a way to salt out DMT & Jungle Spice from d-limonene. He then wanted to convert the DMT fumarate to the freebase.

The idea is that 630mg fumaric acid is soluble in 100ml of 25C(temp) water. Fumaric acid is also barely, if at all, soluble in d-limonene and DMT fumarate is soluble in water and not d-limonene. Also, d-limonene and water remain separate layers, which makes it easy to pull the Spice fumarate saturated water and leave behind the d-limonene.

This means if we make a fumaric acid saturated solution with water(Fumaric Acid Saturated Water=FASW), we can add this to the dmt & jungle spice saturated d-limonene and move all the spice into the water. The reason to do this is because d-limonene doesn't evaporate very well and almost always leaves an oily residue. It's not dangerous it just adds a very orangy flavor and keeps things from drying to well.

The technique that you are about to read is going to follow the lines of a STB technique, but the main part of this technique can be use in almost every known extraction process, including an A/B, DryTek and STB, but not limited to those. It can also be used for extracting from plants other than MHRB. This technique also does not call for any freezer crystallization.

The Process

Step 1

Take your 80g MHRB and break it up into small pieces about 3/4 of an inch long and no more than 1/4 of an inch wide. The smaller the better.

Step 2

Put about 25g into the coffee grinder and grind that stuff to powder. Do this for the rest of the root bark.

Step 3

Fill your large jar with 1200ml of water and add 80g sodium hydroxide. Stir this until it becomes clear and then when it has cooled down, CAREFULLY pour this into your 1/2 gallon HDPE jug. Then stuff in your powdered root bark. Put cover on the gallon jug and HOLD THE CAP WITH YOUR THUMB and shake the piss out of it, so that everything mixes together real nice. Make sure your thumb is holding the cap down really good, you do not want lye all over yourself or your home!

Step 4

Add between 75-100ml d-limonene to your 1/2 gallon jug with the lye tea in it. Shake the piss out of it. If the layers do not separate(like they are supposed to) add a few more grams of lye right into the jug. This should break any emulsions. Mix this stuff together for awhile, you want as much Spice to get into the d-limonene as possible. Also, adding a bit of heat should increase yields.

Step 5

Suck up, pour off, or squeeze out the top layer of liquid, which will be the saturated d-limonene. Pour it first into one of the three smaller jars. SWIM always gets a little lye water when he does this, but the small amounts usually stick to the bottom. You should be able to get at least 50ml of the d-limonene off the mimosa tea.

Step 6

Take your glass funnel and a piece of cotton ball. Stuff the small piece of cotton into the neck of the funnel. Pour the first jar of d-limonene through the funnel into the second small jar. Try to keep any lye water from going into the funnel, but if a little bit does, it should be caught by the cotton. Repeat steps 4-6 two more times and combine your d-limonene. Pour all of this through a filter one more time.

Step 7

Get your third small jar and put around 75ml of WARM water in it. Add 450mg of fumaric acid to it. Stir this like crazy. There may be a few fumaric acid chunks in there but you can filter them out with a clean piece of cotton in the funnel. Pour the 75ml FASW into the filter funnel to filter out any excess fumaric acid.

Step 8

Stir 25ml FASW into the d-limonene for at least 10 minutes. Then suck out the dmt fumarate saturated water, which will be the bottom liquid layer. SWIM usually cleans out the third small jar and puts this saturated water in it before putting the water on the evaporating plate. This is so that he can filter the water before it hits the evaporating plate. This keeps any traces of d-limonene out of the soon to be evaporated dmt water. Repeat this step two more times with 25ml fresh FASW each time.

Step 9

Evaporate the 75ml saturated dmt water in the dehydrator or on a very very low oven setting, no more than 175F. This will result in the solid DMT fumarate. This stuff is HARD. It may be difficult to scrape up, but just use some muscle and it will come up.

Step 10

Time to freebase. Depending on how much DMT fumarate you have been able to get, add two parts sodium carbonate. So, if you got 1g DMT fumarate, you would add 2g sodium carbonate. Then add 2-4ml of water, just enough to get it nice and wet. Stir this for awhile, it will probably bubble a little bit. Make sure any chunks get absorbed, this may take 5-10 minutes. Throw this into the food dehydrator until dry.

Step 11

Once the freebasing is done and dried get say 45ml of MEK or acetone and add a dollop of magnesium sulfate anhydrous and stir around for a bit. This will remove any water. Then pour the MEK or acetone through a cotton filter a few times and then pour 15ml of the solvent onto your freebased spice/sodium carbonate/fumaric acid mix.

Step 12

Pour off the solvent through a filter, try to keep any solids from getting into the filter because you want to wash them with the solvent again to make sure you got all the spice. Do steps 12 and 13 two more times with another 15ml fresh dry MEK or acteone. Throw this solvent in the dehydrator on your evaporating dish.

Step 13

After the solvent has evaporated, your freebased spice may still look and feel gooey and honey like. What SWIM does is scrapes this gooey mess over and over and over again. Somehow this slowly makes it solidify and become a waxy tan material. It is not sticky but crumbly and dry.

Step 14

Take a dose, melt it onto some herbs. Such as peppermint, caapi, salvia, and passionflower. Smoke that stuff! Hold it in! Hold it more!! SMILE and then exhale for a WONDERFUL trip down memory lane.



  1. Jump up Jorkest's D-Limonene and Fumaric Acid Approach[1]