DMT N-Oxide
[hide]- 1 Brief overview - What is DMT N-Oxide?
- 2 Chemical and physical properties
- 3 Effects
- 4 Pharmacology, toxicity and general safety
- 5 Plants containing DMT N-Oxide
- 6 Extraction teks
- 7 Dosages and consumption methods
- 8 History of usage
- 9 Analysis of DMT N-Oxide
- 10 Scientific publications
- 11 Other links of interest
Brief overview - What is DMT N-Oxide?
DMT N-Oxide is the oxidation compound of DMT. DMT N-Oxide is also very likely psychoactive, as Shulgin hypothesized..
Oxidation can occur naturally (extended exposure to air) or artificially (by using Hydrogen Peroxide). The rate at which oxidation naturally occurs is unknown, but its suspected oxidation to crystals is often superficial, since long term stored DMT remains solid, though sometimes bit darker and more waxy (and N-Oxide is more often described as an oil).
Chemical and physical properties
For solubility, reconversion back to DMT, etc, check the N-Oxide Chemical and Physical WIKI
Effects should be similar to DMT when smoked.
Pharmacology, toxicity and general safety
Plants containing DMT N-Oxide
Arundo spp.
Arundo donax Culm and flowers. Ghosal 1972a ref Trout's Notes
Acacia spp.
Acacia caesia In bark. Further details not given. Ghosal et al 1970b Trout's Notes
Anadenanthera spp.
- var. cebil [as Piptadenia macrocarpa] - DMT N-oxide In seeds but not in pods. Amount of DMT-N-oxide not given. Total alkaloid content of 1.5-2.0% determined in some samples: Fish et al 1955 ref Trout's Notes. Material from both Florida and Brazil were used.
- (Haiti) (DMT N-Oxide traces in seeds) Paris et al. 1967
- DMT N-Oxide In seeds but not in pods. Amount of DMT-N-oxide not given. Total alkaloid content of 1.6% determined in one sample: Fish et al 1955 ref Trout's Notes. Used material rrom both Puerto Rico and Brazil.
- Epena - DMT N-Oxide present in Yanoama snuff prepared from Piptadenia peregrina. (Marini-Bettolo et al. 1964 ref Trout's Notes)
- Epena - Snuff prepared, by the Ma-hekodo-teri of the Rio Mavaca from seeds of an Anadenamhera specie.s.
DMT-N-oxide [with Bufotenine, Bufotenine-N-oxide, and DMT]. Marini-Bettolo et al. 1964 ref Trout's Notes
Banisteriopsis spp.
- DMT-N-oxide In stem and leaf: Ghosal 1972a ref Trout's Notes
- DMT-N-oxide in leaf. [26 mg from 1.8 kg] Ghosal & Mazumder 1971 and Ghosal et al. 1971
Desmodium spp.
- Aerial parts (0.033%; 0.21 gm. + 0.12 gm. (latter as chloroform soluble acetate) from 1 kg. of fresh wet material. Banerjee & Ghosal 1969 ref Trout's Notes
- Green Plant (Stem and Leaf) Ghosal 1972a and Ghosal & Bhattacharya 1972 and Ghosal et al. 1971
- Ghosal et al. 1972e (0.12 gm. + 0.02 gm. from 1.6 kg. of dried roots.) Ghosal & Banerjee 1969. Roots (Amount not given.) Ghosal & Bhattacharya 1972 ref Trout's Notes
- Fruit Ghosal 1972a ref Trout's Notes
- Seeds Ghosal & Bhattacharya 1972 & Ghosal et al. 1970b ref Trout's Notes
- leaves (0.18 gm DMT-N-oxide. from 2 kg) Ghosal et al. 1972a ref Trout's Notes
- Stem / leaf DMT-N-oxideGhosal et al. 1970b ref Trout's Notes
- Roots. DMT-N-oxide Minor alkaloid. Amount not given. Ghosal et al. 1972a ref Trout's Notes
- Whole plant (DMT-N-oxide Minor alkaloid) Ghosal & Mukherjee 1964 ref Trout's Notes
- (Mention. Ghosal & Mukherjee 1965) (DMT-N-oxide Amount not given) Ghosal & Mukherjee 1966 ref Trout's Notes
- Stem and leaf of young seedling (0.023% DMT-N-oxide by dry weight; 19% of 0.12% Total alkaloid) Ghosal et al 1972c ref Trout's Notes
- Stem and leaf of mature plant (0.070% DMT-N-oxide by dry weight; 5% of 1.4% Total alkaloid] Ghosal e1 al. 1972c ref Trout's Notes
- Root of young seedling (0.011% DMT-N-oxide by dry weight; 3% of 0.37% Total alkaloid] Ghosal et al 1972c ref Trout's Notes
- Root of mature plant [0.121% DMT-N-oxide by dry weight; 11 % of 1.1% Total alkaloid] [Also, in same paper: 1.8 kg of dried roots yielded 0.18 gm + 0.042gm; i.e. 0.012%.] Ghosal et al. 1972c ref Trout's Notes
- Fruit (green) of mature plant [0.007% by dry weight; 72% of 0.01% Total alkaloid] Ghosal et al. 1972c ref Trout's Notes
- Seeds (ripe) mature plant (DMT-N-oxide trace) Ghosal et al 1972c ref Trout's Notes
- Root, Stem-leaf and Seeds - DMT-N-oxide Ghosal et al 1970b ref Trout's Notes
- Root, stem-leaf and fruit - DMT-N-oxide (Amounts not given) Ghosal 1972a ref Trout's Notes
- Leaf [trace DMT-N-oxide] Ghosal et al. 1972d ref Trout's Notes
- Stems - DMT-N-oxide [3% of 0.008% total alkaloids] (dry weight) Ghosal et al !972d
- Roots - DMT-N-oxide (4% of 0.01% Total alkaloids] {41 mg. from 8.3 kg} (dry weight) Ghosal et al. 1972d ref Trout's Notes
- DMT-N-oxide Minor in roots. (amount not given) Ghosal et al. 1971 ref Trout's Notes
Lespedeza spp.
- var. japonica - DMT-N-oxide in rootbark but not leaves. Minor component. Amount not clearly indicated. Morimoto & Matsumoto 1966 ref Trout's Notes
Mucuna spp.
- DMT-N-oxide In root, stem-leaf and pod. Ghosal 1972a ref Trout's Notes
- DMT-N-oxide In leaf/stem/seed. Ghosal et al. 1970b ref Trout's Notes
- 0.003% DMT-N-oxide in fresh leaves Ghosal et al. 1971 ref Trout's Notes