Bufotenine N-Oxide
[hide]- 1 Brief overview - What is Bufotenine N-Oxide?
- 2 Chemical and physical properties
- 3 Effects
- 4 Pharmacology, toxicity and general safety
- 5 Plants containing Bufotenine N-Oxide
- 6 Extraction teks
- 7 Dosages and consumption methods
- 8 History of usage
- 9 Analysis of Bufotenine N-Oxide
- 10 Scientific publications
- 11 Other links of interest
Brief overview - What is Bufotenine N-Oxide?
Bufotenine N-Oxide is the oxidation product of Bufotenine. Oxidation can occur naturally (extended exposure to air) or artificially (by using Hydrogen Peroxide). The rate at which oxidation naturally occurs is unknown. Bufotenine N-oxide can be converted back to it's parent compound by dissolving in acetic acid solution, adding excess zinc, mixing for a couple of hours, filtering, adding a base and re-extracting.
Chemical and physical properties
Probably active but no publications found thus far.
Pharmacology, toxicity and general safety
Probably active but no publications found thus far.
Plants containing Bufotenine N-Oxide
Amanita spp.
- (low concentration) German specimens. Bufotenine n-oxide Identified chromatographically. Tyler & Groger 1964 ref Trout's Notes
- (Minor alkaloid) Stijve 1979 ref Trout's Notes
- (low concentration) German specimens. Identified chromatographically. Tyler & Groger 1964 ref Trout's Notes
Anadenanthera spp.
- "epena" snuff prepared, by the Ma-hekodo-teri of the Rio Mavaca, from seeds. Bufotenine-N-oxide [Accompanied by Bufotenine, DMT & DMT-N-oxide] Marini-Bettolo et al. 1964 ref Trout's Notes
- Yanomamo snuff prepared from Piptadenia peregrina. Marini-Bettolo et al. 1964 ref Trout's Notes
- var. cebil Bufotenine N-Oxide In seeds. Iacobucci & Ruveda 1964 ref Trout's Notes
- var. cebil Present in seeds. Not detected in pods: Fish et al. 1955. ref Trout's Notes Material from Florida and Brazil were used.
- In seeds. Iacobucci & Ruveda 1964 ref Trout's Notes
Anadenanthera excelsa (as Piptadenia)
- In seeds. Lower concentration than P. macrocarpa. Iacobucci & Ruveda 1964 ref Trout's Notes
Anadenanthera peregrina (As Piptadenia peregrina)
- Present in seeds. Not detected in pods: Fish et al. 1955. ref Trout's Notes (Material from both Puerto Rico and Brazil)
- Minor alkaloid in seeds. (Haiti) Paris et al. 1967 ref Trout's Notes
Desmodium spp.
- Minor root alkaloid [0.03%; 496 mg from 1.6 kg]
- Minor stem alkaloid [0.004%; 447 mg from 10.75 kg of stems.] Ueno et al. 1978 ref Trout's Notes
- Stem and leaf of mature plant. [Trace]
- Root of mature plant. [Trace) Ghosal et al. 1972c ref Trout's Notes
Virola spp.
- The listing of this compound in this species appears
to be in error. We suspect that it stems from Holmstedt 's analysis of Epena snuff claimed to have originated from Virola. Holmstedt ran Bufotenine-N-oxide as a reference material only. ref Trout's Notes
Extraction teks
Dosages and consumption methods
History of usage
Analysis of Bufotenine N-Oxide
Scientific publications
Other links of interest