Humble Introduction

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Note error.png Note: This is a project page for organizing the efforts of the The Coalition for Entheogenic Liberties [CEL] -- please edit in regard and accordance with The CEL Action Hub and any pertinent discussion found on the associated subforum.

This is the Introduction section of the Nexus eBook!

One Possible Introduction:

Within all of us exists a hunger to shrug off the drab world of Responsible Thought. We seek child-like states of freedom through big budget entertainment, vacations, religion, and the constant daily dreaming of how the events of our lives “ought to” unfold. These activities feed us because for brief moments, our hopes exceed our sobriety and these internal worlds we create become “true reality,” no matter the external doubts of others and ourselves.

Measuring from our actions, many of us might secretly prefer to be Don Quixote charging bravely against spectacular forces of evil despite “the reality” this foe is an innocent windmill. Don Quixote represents the story of a man speaking the tongues of two eras: one of fanciful belief, honor, and superstition; and another of doubt, cruel reality, and the annoying creep of scientific enlightenment. We as adults must believe in these windmills as they are, just as we must believe in “showing up on time” and “paying taxes;” meanwhile, our younger selves are left free to chase dragons and other fancies of youth.

Don Quixote:

However we are entering a new era; one where we as Truly Rational Adults must be careful that our Rational Adult Ways don’t error in reverse and where we might mistake the truly fantastic for convenient excuses and ordinary melancholy. To succumb to don Quixote’s folly backwards, represents a much less comical and much less acceptable mistake of identity. Mistaking something fantastical for “something banal,” would be an ultimate tragedy.

Within these pages we introduce a new adventure; one which shall unfold with all the Reason of Adult Honesty into a new world which awkwardly calls all previous judgments suspect. All we ought pack for this mission is the strength to listen, and the bravery to proceed.

Here is our intent:

We are here to advocate and support the safe and respectful use of psychedelic botanicals for the spiritual, personal, and scientific exploration by individuals, groups, and organizations.

We are not here "to just party," but to explore worlds that eagerly await beyond our own, and to meet legitimate wonders of the universe for the first time in human history. The denial of this thesis is the crime, not the healthy use of our “drugs.”

Some readers may prefer to learn about this issue through history, some through science or philosophy, and others may prefer the adventure of direct experience reports. This book hopes to approach and satisfy all these needs. Why? Because the work between these covers represents a true global effort to share actual experiences which are so fundamentally bazaar, intense and honestly alien, that a great majority of our shared society through fear, laziness, or simple ignorance has unnecessarily condemned as illegal and taboo.

You may not agree with our every word, as there is indeed much to learn and debate, and we cannot promise our skills are masterful; but perhaps at the very least you will see that our cause is just, and our demands legitimate. We hope you will support our movement towards Ethnobotanical Freedom, and will enjoy these readings from the literal edge of known human space. Expect to feel the veil lift and sense the shock of freshness as you witness the morning of a new world.

Here we introduce a new rational era, free from fancy AND sober melancholy. Here is how the new don Quixote speaks: Come young Sancho, we have windmills to slay and experts to befool--massive dragons and magical beasts await. Here, let me show you if you will look! Please let us show you, so you might decide for yourself.