History of Ethnobotanicals

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Note error.png Note: This is a project page for organizing the efforts of the The Coalition for Entheogenic Liberties [CEL], specifically those regarding The Nexus eBook -- please edit in regard and accordance with The CEL Action Hub and any pertinent discussion found on the associated subforum.

ii. History of Ethnobotanicals

20-70 pages, [Evening Glory, Elpo, Bancopuma, SnozzleBerry, Entropymancer]

The work on a thorough monograph concerning the history of ethnobotanical use has been started, see this thread. The idea is to demonstrate the antiquity and pervasiveness of entheogen use and the integral role they played in the societies who used them. This monograph will be available in the Nexus eBook.

Entropymancer will write the monograph with the help of the community. My thought is to divide it into two sections. The first will treat ancient use that we have archaeological of very old written records of; the second will treat the written records of the rediscovery of these ancient traditions by western cultures. A brief summary of relevant data on each plant that is mentioned will be included as an appendix.

The group consists of

Writer: Entropymancer

Research: Evening Glory, Elpo, SnozzleBerry, Entropymancer

Proofreading: Bancopuma, SnozzleBerry

Please post in the mentioned forum thread if you'd like to contribute! The more folks who help with the research, the quicker this thing will get written.

Nexus eBook Structure:

+ Antiquity

+ The Era of Rediscovery

+ Appendix I: The Ethnobotanicals

Chapter Content

[ Space reserved for chapter's content ]


[ Space reserved for bibliography entries ]

  • Ott, Jonathan. 1996. Pharmacotheon (2nd ed). Natural Product Co., Kennewick, WA.

Research Notes

[ Space reserved for notes from sources in the bibliography. Don't worry about organization; organizing a mess of notes is easy ]

Books that have been suggested as useful

If you have one of these books, we'd appreciate if you could take very shorthand notes on the crucial details (mostly the where, what, and how) they provide on entheogen use in history

  • Christian Rätsch - The Sacred Plants of our Ancestors ISBN 0-9720292-1-4
  • Peter C. Rogers - Ultimate Truth, Book 1 ISBN 1438979681
  • T. B. Roberts - Chemical Input—Religious Output: Entheogens
  • T. B. Roberts (editor) - Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion