Acacia colei

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Acacia colei Wikipedia.png Plant-icon.png
DMT (Dr. Karl and 2005) 1%+ in bark (different net reports)

General Plant Info

Acacia colei is a perennial bush or tree native to Australia and southern Asia. A common name for it is Cole's Wattle. It grows to a height of up to 9 m. Acacia colei blooms from June through July and the flowers are bright yellow.[1]

Consists of 2 variants:

Acacia colei var. colei

Acacia colei var. ileocarpa

Geographic distribution



Phyllodes are 10-19 cm long and 20-55 mm wide, usually with three prominent longitudinal nerves. A dense covering of short hairs on the phyllodes gives the plant a characteristic silvery-blue appearance.

Alkaloid content

Claimed to contain 1.8% or more DMT in bark [2] [3], 0.2-0.6% in leaf. Needs further research.

Other uses

Its uses include environmental management, forage and wood. The seeds are good-tasting[4] and are potentially useful as food for humans. The results of tests in Nigeria for the feasibility of raising the tree as a drought-resistant food crop came out very positively.[5]






  1. Australian Biological Resources Study
  2. Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki ABC Radio
  3. Seldom/nen888 DMT Nexus
  4. ECHO Education Concerns for Hunger Organization
  5. World Wide Wattle