User talk:TopEndDMT

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Greetings. I have been experimenting for a while and would really appreciate comment and/or corrections to the TEK I have compiled from several sources. If there are suggestions on quantities, timing, crystallization, or anything really, it would be much appreciated. My aim was to combine the methods from a few different TEKs to make one concise guide for Acacia bark extraction. I have tried a few TEKs verbatim, but have consistently had trouble getting crystals to stay as crystals... I live in a tropical area, and wonder if the ambient temp is an issue for me?? Anyway, here is what I trying to work with at the moment. Looking forward to any and all comments and suggestions.

Combination Acacia Bark DMT Extraction TEK - Acid to Base Ingredients: 1: 40 grams Caustic Soda ( Lye). When scaling up this TEK, use 15ml water and one gram of Caustic Soda for every gram of bark that will later be added to the mixing jar. For this example: 40 grams of root-powder = 600 ml water and 40g Caustic Soda. 2: Shellite - 1 ml of Shellite is used for each 15 ml of water used to create the lye solution for extraction - so in this case 40 mls of Shellite per extraction. 3: Tap water 4: 40 grams of Acacia Confusa Root bark 5: 5 grams of Tartaric Acid - takes 10 litres of water to pH4 6: Baking Soda (optional for a final wash)

You will need: 1: 1 litre mixing jar with sealable lid 2: Turkey Baster - I actually use a hydrometer with the float removed 3: Safety Glasses 4: Chemical proof gloves 5: 2 x 500ml lass jars with sealable lids 6: Pyrex Baking dish 7: Glass Measuring Jug 8: Coffee Filters 9: Razor Blades 10: Bucket or large bowl that can hold 10 litres of water 11: Funnel 12. 2 x medium sized Stainless Steel Saucepans 13: 1 x 250 ml glass jar Step 1: Prepare your bark Using a blender, powder down the Acacia Confusa bark as best you can. Cut the bark into small pieces, and pull it apart by hand before blending. After blending once, put the bark into a freezer for at least a few hours in a sealed bag. Then blend it again to get a fine powder. Smaller amounts in the blender work best, about 1/3 full.

Step 2: Acidification This step makes the DMT from the bark soluble in water, so it all ends up in the acidified water solution. (This will allow us to remove things we don't want in our mix in the next step buy using our non-water soluble solvent, Shellite). 1. Prepare a solution of water with the pH adjusted to 3-4 by adding 5 grams of Tartaric Acid/1 teaspoon in 10 litres water gives a pH of 3-4. You can mix this up in a bucket or a large bowl. You won't use most of this acidified water, but it is easy to mix, and only uses a teaspoon full of Tartaric Acid. Its handy to have a bucket with this quantity as you can just dip your glass measuring jug into it to scoop out as needed. 2. Add to the plant material to the solution (400 mls of acidified water for 40gms of powdered Acacia bark), and simmer for 1 hour in a Stainless Steel saucepan. Don't use aluminium saucepans as the acid might react ever so slightly with an aluminum saucepan, causing an impurity that we really don't want to try to remove or ingest. 3. Pour off the filtered liquid into your second stainless steel saucepan and continue to reduce slowly. 4. repeat steps 2 and 3 two more times with more acidified water (300-400 mls each time) You can now discard the bark, as the DMT is now in the acidified water. You should continue reduce the combined extractions in your second saucepan on a gentle heat to a workable quantity - aim for something less than 600 mls after reduction in a saucepan on the stove-top. Try for somewhere around that amount as once the Defatting process is completed in the next stage, you will basify the solution in Step 4, and you want a ratio of the following - 40 grams of Caustic Soda, 600 mls of our acidified water now containing the DMT that we reduced in our second saucepan. Step 3: Defatting Wash This step will remove anything from the solution that we don't want in there. 1. Now pour your solution from the saucepan into a container to use for separation of the plant and fatty materials. I use the 1 litre jar with a screw cap lid for this. 2. Fill your kitchen sink with very hot water to use as a heater for your container. 3. Add 40 mls of Shellite solvent to the container and gently agitate, rolling end-over-end for 5 minutes, releasing any pressure that might build from time to time. 4. Place your sealed bottle into the hot water sink and allow it to separate into 2 distinct layers. Initially, release pressure every few minutes. You probably only need to release the pressure 3 or 4 times as the mix stops creating pressure in a short time - but checking along the way certainly won't hurt, and you really don't want that glass to crack. 5. Separate the acidified water from the Shellite solvent with your turkey baster or your preferred method. Syphon up ALL of the Shellite here and put this aside in your waste jar. All of your DMT is still in the acidified water at this stage and is not currently soluble in the Shellite. It doesn't matter if you suck up a small amount of the darker solution. You are just extracting garbage here, which is now in the Shellite. 6. Let your waste jar settle, and then syphon the bulk of any dark acidified water from the bottom of it out with your turkey baster, making sure that you don't get any of the Shellite or gunk, and put it back in your now completely clean acidified water jar that contains all of your DMT. Don't try to get it all, else you are sure to transfer some of the gunk back to your good mix. 7. Repeat the wash with the Shellite solvent two more times to get as much garbage out of you mix as possible. Step 4: Basifying the mix: 1. Now that you have finished the defat stage, pour the solution into a glass measuring jug and measure the volume. If you have less than 600 mls of the darkish acidified solution containg your DMT, add enough additional acidified water to make it up to 600 mls in total. If you have way more than 600 mls, just put it back in the saucepan for a while and slowly reduce the volume using low heat. Simmering is good, but try not to boil the liquid in a big way. 2. Allow the liquid to cool down to room temperature, or pop it in the refrigerator for a while. 3. Measure out 40g of caustic soda and slowly to add to your 600 mls of DMT rich acidified water solution, teaspoonful at a time, continually stirring. This will cause the mixture to heat up due to an exothermic reaction. The mixture will turn dark red to black, as the pH raises to above 13. Remember to use googles, gloves and dusk mask when dealing with caustic soda. PLEASE MAINTAIN SAFETY! Step 5: Extraction of the DMT into the Shellite 1. Again, fill your kitchen sink with very hot water to use as a heater for your container. 2. Add 40 mls of Shellite solvent to the container and gently agitate, rolling end-over-end for 5 minutes, releasing any pressure that might build from time to time. 3. Place your sealed bottle into the hot water sink and allow it to seperate into 2 distinct layers for 10 minutes. Initially, release pressure every few minutes. You probably only need to release the pressure 3 or 4 times as the mix stops creating pressure in a short time. 4. Separate the basified water from the Shellite solvent with your turkey baster or your preferred method. Syphon as much of the Shellite as possible here and put this into your collection jar, being careful not to syphon up any dark liquid. 5. Repeat the extraction (steps 2 to 4) with the Shellite solvent 3 more times to get as much DMTout of you mix as possible. On the last mix, use 100 mls of Shellite for the extraction.

All of your DMT has now been transferred to the Shellite at this stage and it is no longer soluble in water. You need to make sure that nothing but Shellite is collected from this extraction process. Step 6: Crystallising 1. Now get your glass baking dish and pour the DMT saturated Shellite into the dish ensuring that no dark liquid gets into the dish with the Shellite. Point a fan at the baking dish and evaporate some of the Shellite, down to about 3-4 mm deep. The solution will begin to go milky. 2. Double-wrap your baking dish in plastic wrap, then place your glass baking dish in the freezer, or a dark cool place for 24 hours. If your baking dish has a glass lid, you can use that, and put the whole thing into a snap-lock plastic bag. 3. Remove your glass baking dish and pour off or syphon the remaining solvent, being careful not to syphon up any of the crystals. 4. Place your dish in a cool dark place, like a cupboard or camphor chest. If the crystals have prolonged exposure to light and air they will become orangey / yellow. 5. After the crystals have fully dried, use a razor blade to scrape up the crystals and store within a clean new snap-lock plastic bag, inside a second bag in a dark area.

Step 7: Washing the Spice - 8% loss - Optional: Get a glass and put a teaspoon of baking soda (or 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate) in it. Fill with about 100–150mL luke warm/room temperature water. Stir well and let all soilds settle. Dissolve freeze preciptated DMT in enough warm Shellite that is does not cloud upon cooling. Less is better, but use enough to prevent precipitation. Use 250 ml jars for this. For 1g of spice I would use 200mL of warm Shellite. Use the Turkey Baster and suck up some of the saturated baking soda water … do not get any solid baking soda in the baster. Add until the volume of baking soda (or sodium carbonate) solution is about 1/4 the volume of Shellite. Stir the mix for about a minute or two, or shake in a jar. Remove the Shellite layer , save and recrystalize in a freezer or at room temperature.

Total yield loss after washing AND recrystalization from a gram is about 80mgs. Also after final recrystalization put a sealed jar containing your DMT (no solvent, just DMT) into a hot water bath and melt it down. Then put it into the freezer for about 10 minutes. The spice that comes out is denser and easier to vaporize.

Find a comfy chair, a good friend, and prepare for hyperspace!

--TopEndDMT (talk) 17:30, 24 April 2014 (CEST)