User talk:Champgiants

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I'm very cautious and anxious about trying DMT. Reasons being that I am a VERY lightweight person as in I had an egodeath on half a tab of LSD and it doesn't take much to get me stoned or drunk. Also I've only had 1 psychidelic before which is LSD abut 3 times, one time being an amazing full tab. My best friend just last night tripped on DMT and didn't break the void, but he did say it was incredible and he also said he was receiving new information at 1000 mph. I'm not sure how to tell if I'm ready or not to do DMT (My friend won't allow me to have it unless I have the breakthrough dosage because we don't have a lot) and what mindset would be best for me. I want to learn but what would be the best way to learn from DMT if and when I do? Also thank you