Alicia anisopetala
Alicia anisopetala (A. Jussieu in A. St.-Hilaire) W.R. Anderson =Hiraea anisopetala A.Juss. =Mascagnia anisopetala (A. Juss.) Griseb. =Hiraea macrocarpa Chodat =Mascagnia nobilis C.V. Morton
One of two members of the genus Alicia, which was split from the genus Mascagnia in 2006.
To date, no chemical analysis has been performed on A. anisopetala
In 2012, some vendors began selling "black ayahuasca" which they identify as A. anisopetala, although this identification has not been confirmed. Several individuals report having ingested brews made from this vine and report it to be active. However, when a methanol extract of the vine was analyzed by TLC, it contained no compounds that fluoresce under blacklight (indicating an absence of beta-carbolines). When analyzed by GCMS, it was found to contain no harmine, harmaline, THH, or any other known beta-carboline peaks. We hope that continued research may shed light on this enigma.
Related threads Poorly understood family of AYAHUASCA vines