PanoraMIX HBWR Extract
this tek is for makeong some very strong LSA extract.
250 HBWR seed IPA 99% or acetone |for powder| everclear or votka |for liquid| naphta 2 jars evap dish
1. grind the seeds to powder and put in one jar.
2. do a naptha wash, so ad napta until 5cm above the seeds.
3. repeat stap (2) [4x] |for votka and averclear| [10x] |for acetone and IPA|
4. discard the naptha save the solits (seeds)
5a. ad ure IPA or acetone for powder | everclear or votka for liquit| let is stan for 30 min 5b. pull 2-3x
6. take your solvent of
7. and evap totaly for powder | | and evap until solits form for liquit do not let it evap on a heatsource it WIL distroy the LSA
this is a extraction very simple and you wil have no nausia.
if u have 250 and made the LSA powder u shuld divide it to 9 250/9=27.77 so you wil have to devide your total yild of powder thru 27.77 and u wil have a dose of 9 seeds