Hyperspace lexicon

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Note error.png Note: This page is a collection of phrases from 'the Proposed project to better understand Hyperspace' [1] and 'Hyperspace Lexicon work thread' [2]. Feel free to make additions

The Hyperspace lexicon is here to make a compilation of phrases to better understand and describe hyperspace journeys for both the layman and advanced hyperspace travelers.




The visual of a pristine polished "enhanced" open eyed reality


  • TODO

Glass chrysanthemum

The kaleidoscopic/fractal pattern that turns into the doorway to Hyperspace.[7]


The place you go to after breakthrough, can be any place and time imaginable. Where the impossible can easily happen, extreme geometric explosions of color, sound, emotions, information, also the feeling of it being hyperreal.


Jimjam is the squishy, goopy, sticky, stringy matter of Hyperspace that anything can be created from..its multicolored and delicious..[3] Also see Plasmatis.


The multicolored constantly shifting gel-goo of amazement which decorates the space around everything in the land of the elves. Also see Jimjam.

Pre flight anxiety

Pre flight anxiety is the anxiety one has just before liftoff into Hyperspace. Since being shot into hyperspace is such a stressful and powerful moment people are in some way afraid of that moment, the anxiety they undergo at that specific moment is known as 'pre flight anxiety'. Many also report that this Pre flight anxiety diminishes upon returning from hyperspace.


Short description

Static Pattern Overlay

Long description

The static pattern overlay(SPO?) is the way 'they' communicate with me on lower doses. Faces from every ancient era show up in any uniform surface. The best ever was a picture of my favorite fractal. I thought I would be most fascinated by the fractal swirls but the static, slightly irregular monochromatic background showed me more in one square foot than I'd ever seen before. I am always like-'how do they do that?' or 'they are so clever' because you can blink or look away change your point of view and the same image persists! [4]

Stuck in a loop

When your mind keeps repeating the same thoughts or events over and over again in a seemingly infinite loop. [5]

The Throat Marble

This is a symptom one can have while visiting Hyperspace. Feeling as though you don't need to breathe. Also discribed as the feeling of a rolling ball trapped in the back of ones throat. [6]


  1. Proposed project to better understand Hyperspace [1]
  2. Hyperspace Lexicon work thread [2]
  3. Jorkest's D-Limonene & Fumaric Acid Approach [3]
  4. Breakthrough with eyes open? [4]
  5. Ever been stuck in a loop? [5]
  6. Strange "Ball" Feeling [6]
